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Make Your Contribution to the Treasure Valley Rental Association to assist in helping the organization provide lawfully correct education to Landlords and Property Managers.

Even if you are not a Landlord or Property Manager, you can donate to our non-profit association to help better serve your community by education.

TVRA is a non-profit association organized to expand educational opportunities for Landlords and others associated with the rental market. The primary purpose is to foster relationships among the rental community by providing education activities such as seminars, classes, and workshops.

Primary Focus:

1. We provide educational services to the real estate industry and landlords in the state of Oregon.

2. Improve landlord and tenant relationships by providing current information through seminars, classes and workshops in management, laws, and regulations.

3. To promote positive professional standards, raising the quality of the housing experience for the property owner and tenant.

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Checking this box indicates your consent to receive text/SMS communication from Treasure Valley Rental Housing Association.
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Treasure Valley Rental Association (TVRA) Board Members and Mentors and Office Staff do not give legal advice. Any advice or guidance does not constitute legal advice. You should seek appropriate counsel for your own situation as needed.

Proudly serving Malheur, Harney, Grant and Baker Counties.

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TVRA is a certified Continuing Education Provider for Property Managers. Our provider number is 201221799.

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