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To be eligible for Treasure Valley Rental Owners Association membership, you must:

  • own at least 1 income property in Malheur, Harney, Baker or Grant Counties in the state of Oregon
  • or
  • be employed as an on-site manager of a rental complex
  • or
  • be a licensed real estate broker managing property for others
  • or
  • be a licensed property manager in the counties list above

Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level


Our directory is designed to serve as an online hub of information about vendors in the rental & multi-family housing industry. This directory is the fastest way to locate the products and services property managers and owners need. Browse the categories for a list of our Industry Associate Members.

If you are a business that serves the industry and would like to advertise your services on this site, please click the JOIN US icon below and become an Associate/Advertising Member.  You have two choices:

#1, (Level 8 - Advertising/Associate -Basic - $120.00 a year).  Your business card or your company name, address and phone number will be posted on our website with clickable links to your own website.  Plus, an in-person introduction  to our landlords at one of our landlord events.

#2, (Level 9 - Advertising/Associate - Advanced - $180.00 a year).  Your business card or your company name, address and phone number will be posted on our website  in  up to three (3) different categories with clickable links to your own website.   Plus,  two (2) in-person introductions  to our landlords at our landlord events.

The choice is yours with a very low advertising fee for one  full year of advertising.  For more information or if you have questions, call our Advertising Associate Point of Contact, Lana Andrews at 541-216-1675 or Cindy McLeran at 314-313-8777.

Click the Join Us button below:

     *Subject to Application Approval by the Board of Directors*


Treasure Valley Rental Association (TVRA) Board Members and Mentors and Office Staff do not give legal advice. Any advice or guidance does not constitute legal advice. You should seek appropriate counsel for your own situation as needed.

Proudly serving Malheur, Harney, Grant and Baker Counties.

This website uses cookies to improve the user experience of the Site and for marketing purposes.

All vendors logos and trademarks are copyrighted and trademarked per their respective companies.

TVRA is a certified Continuing Education Provider for Property Managers. Our provider number is 201221799.

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