City of Ontario, Oregon
Adam J. Brown, City Manager
Weather Event Update
January 23, 2017
The Oregon Department of Transportation will be working with the City of Ontario to clear 4th Avenue from downtown to the Yturri Beltline (State Highway 201). To accomplish this, much of the sidewalks along 4th Avenue will be covered. Due to the volume of snow a decision was made to open up the car and bike lanes in lieu of the sidewalks. We will not be enforcing the sidewalk ordinance during the time that the snow melts. As the snow melts in the coming weeks we encourage business owners to assist in any way they can to clear those sidewalks as the snow softens and melts. The pack from the snow removal will be dense and hard at first. This will take approximately three days to complete.
Ontario Sanitary has suspended curb side recycling until such time as it is more practical to collect. We encourage businesses and residents to be helpful in assisting sanitary haulers and mail carriers in finding their way through the snow pack by making their containers and mailboxes accessible. The city has identified critical needs for access working with Ontario Sanitary and will be working on those sites immediately.
The City of Ontario will continue to make sandbags available through Wednesday January 23, 2017 between the hours of 4 to 6 p.m.. Ontario Fire Station 2 is located at 3288 SW 4th Ave., Ontario, OR, 97914. There may be some already filled, but citizens may need to fill the bags themselves. The City emergency operations center will update the times of availability for sand bags each day on the city’s website. Please check our website for availability. http://www.ontariooregon.org/
We are still asking that citizens make every attempt possible to move parked cars from the street. This is impeding snow removal operations and causing very narrow plowing in some residential areas. Unattended vehicles will be marked and towed if not removed within 72 hours.
Thank you for your assistance and patience in this City weather event.
444 SW 4th Street, Ontario, Oregon - www.ontariooregon.org - Phone 541-889-7684 Fax 541-889-7121