The new 2019 Forms Manual is here!
Complete with updated information about completing your Landlord/Tenant forms to comply with the new SB 608 Tenant Protection Bill requirements, it is a MUST for your Business.
This is the most important tool in your landlord or property management toolbox, so much so, that we will be changing our next regularly scheduled TVRA workshop to teach you how to use your Forms Manual appropriately.
Don’t miss this Workshop!
2019 ORHA Forms Manual Training
by Cloud Miller
The most important tool for Landlords and Property Managers is the Forms Manual. Come learn how to use the manual and prepare your Rental Forms properly.
You can purchase your 2019 ORHA Forms Manuals before the event, starting today at Pine Valley Property Management, 95 SW 4th Ave, Ontario, OR 97914
You can buy a manual before the event at Matsy's Restaurant from 5:00pm-5:45pm. We have only 50 Manuals available, so don’t delay!
This is a very long class, so please do not be late.
August 27th, 2019
6:00 – 9:00pm
Matsy's Restaurant, 1241 SW 4th Ave, Ontario, OR 97914
*****No Registration Needed*****
But seating is limited, so be early, if you can!