Dear rental property owners,
What a year this has been for Oregon, the financial impact of COVID-19 has been unprecedented for many industries, but the impact of the moratoriums has been extremely hard on independent landlords. The protection of one group of citizens has created a need in another, it is time to let our legislators know we are in need.
OHRA has raised a call to action to let your legislators know how the moratoriums have impacted you, your family, and your small business. We want them to hear your stories, not how tenants may or may not have taken advantage of the moratorium. The attention needs to be on the landlord's need for assistance.
In addition to your letters, the Key PAC needs your contribution. Contributions help fund campaigns for legislators that understand the challenges landlords face and oppose legislation that is bad for landlords.
Any contribution is helpful and greatly appreciated, visit: today and contribute to a better Oregon.
Jason Miller
Legislative Director, Oregon Rental Housing Association