SB 608 – the Tenant Protection Bill has considerably changed the Landlord/Tenant Laws. The Oregon Rental Housing Association has spent a considerable amount of time and effort producing new forms that are compliant with the new Laws.
It is imperative that you start using the new forms to protect your business and investments, today!
Unfortunately, due to the amount of time and legal review needed to prepare these forms, prices have gone up.
The New Forms Pricing are as follows:
Leases and Rental Agreements are $2 each
NCR – 3 page carbon forms are $2 each
All other forms are $1 each
Lead-based paint pamphlets are $1 each
Applications are 50 cents
But, you can print your own applications for FREE! Yes, that right…..ORHA is now giving away applications and form completion instructions for FREE.
Just visit the ORHA Forms Store at and download your free copy today.
Photocopying is allowed for this form only! We will still stock the printed forms at Pine Valley, but they will cost you 50 cents to acquire, as we have to order the printed forms from the ORHA office in Salem.
2019 FORMS MANUALS are $50 each
2019 LAW BOOK are $50 each and will be available at the end of the year
This is the best comprehensive “beginning to end” Landlord/Property Management Manual, we have ever seen. If you didn’t attend the class by Tia Politi, the Lane County President, then you definitely need the manual.
Prices and availability for the manual is limited, so get yours immediately, while supplies last. We only have 30 copies left.
Remember, some forms are “Online Purchase Only” and you will need to visit the ORHA Forms Store at to purchase those forms.
Also, when the Pine Valley office is closed you can purchase the forms online 24 hours a day.
Forms are $6.99 each for non-members and $2.99 each for members.
Use the your TVRA Membership Code: TVRA.2011
This code is good until 31 August 2019 and a new code will be issued to only members on 1 September 2019.
I have attached the TVRA Order Form, which lists all available Forms and Manuals. The Order form lists each of the 67 Forms, Manuals, and Class Books that available and their current price.
You can complete this form and take it to the Pine Valley office to acquire your forms or complete the form at the office.
Remember, you can write off your publication & forms purchases to your business and/or personal taxes, so please don’t hesitate to get the best industry forms available